| Posted in Crooks and Castles , Illest , LABISM , Trilogy | Posted on Thursday, August 08, 2013
Trilogy Boutique Glorietta is now open for business! I checked out the space Tuesday afternoon and didn't expect it to be ready by today. Wendell and the gang did it again. Congratulations guys! Now only if Trilogy started serving food again...

Store walkthrough (click to play)
Here are some of the brands Trilogy carries.

Lani and Bam - ISM!

Mark Arcenal did good.

The store was packed for hours!

DJ Teaze provided the jams.

M m m my Corona!

Safe flight back to Uzbekistan, Yvette!

Of the matter.

Erica is back woo hoo! (with Sarah, Dylan and Dane)

I guess Dane missed Erica too.

Hipster haven.

Thea's son is such a ladies man.

Carla likes Keith Haring on her hats.

When I grow old I wanna be like Wendell.

I stared at this photo for 5 minutes and ended up with no caption.

Carla trying on my RX'ed sunglasses.

Third time in as many days.

Krystle with her baby, Alexa and Anikka.

The goods.

A fried feast in a box!

I tapped out even before I could finish my fish. Next time I'll bring honey mustard for the chicken!

* BURP *

Store walkthrough (click to play)
Here are some of the brands Trilogy carries.

Lani and Bam - ISM!

Mark Arcenal did good.

The store was packed for hours!

DJ Teaze provided the jams.

M m m my Corona!

Wendell with the Boys Night Out.
Safe flight back to Uzbekistan, Yvette!

Of the matter.

Erica is back woo hoo! (with Sarah, Dylan and Dane)

I guess Dane missed Erica too.

It's Calra V!
Hipster haven.

Through the window.
Thea's son is such a ladies man.

Mother and daughter.


Carla likes Keith Haring on her hats.

Vans ladies!

Nice tee, Cody.
Maria aka Yoda. (Asa gave her that nickname)
When I grow old I wanna be like Wendell.

Lia in the house!
With two of my favs.
I stared at this photo for 5 minutes and ended up with no caption.

Carla trying on my RX'ed sunglasses.

Wendell always looks away last second. I don't get it, lol.
Third time in as many days.


Krystle with her baby, Alexa and Anikka.

The goods.

Went outside to Glorietta 3 Parkway to check out the food trucks and kiosks. I avoided the yummy Shawarma Bros because of THIS (can't get the vomit photo out of my head) so I ended up ordering from Hey! Fishy Fishy. Bayou please!

A fried feast in a box!

I tapped out even before I could finish my fish. Next time I'll bring honey mustard for the chicken!

* BURP *
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