| Posted in | Posted on Friday, February 28, 2014
There's this kid on Instagram who's always the first one to click like on my photos and I mean ALWAYS. It was getting weird and shit so I asked him to email me his info so I can reciprocate his weirdness with my weirdness. Ain't that weird? His email.

My random thoughts after reading his email.
1. I'm so cool. (no, seriously)
2. UNSCHLD should pay me.
3. I don't know what this kid is talking about him dressing better because of me because IDGAF. (I don't give a fashion)
4. He lives 10 minutes away from me so I might as well pay him a visit.
5. He better fit in a size L. (after seeing his photos, he looks like he wears extra medium)
The visit. Watch that perfect pitch.
My next IG that he failed to click like first, lol.

Hope you gain some weight and grow into the tee I gave you!
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