Seattle transplant, sneaker enthusiast, raised on SL1200s, huge graffiti head in the 90's and photo blogs with a Fujifilm as therapy.
Also your favorite #NT Mod. :)

Welcome to my world.


21,915 Joseph Days

| Posted in | Posted on Friday, May 30, 2008

My dad turns 60 today. He's been through a lot (no thanks to me and my siblings) and he continues to struggle with the daily challenges of life. He's 60. He should be retired already. Enjoying life. Not dealing with all this bullshit that's going on right now. Not with his heart condition.

I gave him a kiss as soon as I heard him go down the stairs and greeted him a happy birthday. I rarely kiss my dad and I hope it won't be the last.

I'm close to tears.

He deserves better.

Happy birthday and we love you all.

My dad and I. Early 80's

Comments (2)

awwww...*blink blink* - stopping tears..

You value your dad, then value his gift to you and that is LIFE! "Church!" haha word of knowledge from the drunken kungfu master!