Seattle transplant, sneaker enthusiast, raised on SL1200s, huge graffiti head in the 90's and photo blogs with a Fujifilm as therapy.
Also your favorite #NT Mod. :)

Welcome to my world.


Sick IIIs and Slick Streets

| Posted in | Posted on Wednesday, June 11, 2008

My '01 Jordan IIIs are dying. I noticed the cracked back panel after the Jordan XXIII Premier release back in January. We were under the glaring sun for some time and I guess the heat is what damaged it. The tab is about to fall apart so I superglued the sucker back to its proper place. I hope it holds up. The Air Jordan Gods must be trying to tell me something. "Get yo ass up and get busy so you can afford another pair!" I remember I got these Js from RyanKMD back in 2004 for a good price and fellow NT'er ceehjayem brought them to the Philippines when he visited later that year. This pair is only a few of '99 - '02 Air Jordan retros I have which survived the sucky PI weather. I used to clean my sneakers after every use and put them back inside the box. Didn't I know that by doing this, the midsoles would crumble upon wearing after a couple of years in storage. My IIIs are still alive because I just leave them out in the open. I learned from Ceddie that it's better to deal with dust than molds which destroy most non-leather materials used on shoes.

Poor IIIs

Some much needed rain. I love rain. I love the sound it makes. I love seeing rain drops fall. I love the smell of rain on hot concrete. I love rain so much I hated Milli Vanilli when they blamed it on the rain.

Rain at last from kingcrux31 on Vimeo.

Pano x HDR

Saw this Shaolin x cigarette vendor chillin' outside the laundromat I go to

Got some cheap food while waiting for my laundry to dry. My stomach didn't like the food. Good thing I made it to a gas station nearby. That shit was gross.

Pork barbecue

Sizzling burger

Rest of the menu

Never gets old

Yes, my IIIs are very sick indeed

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