Seattle transplant, sneaker enthusiast, raised on SL1200s, huge graffiti head in the 90's and photo blogs with a Fujifilm as therapy.
Also your favorite #NT Mod. :)

Welcome to my world.



| Posted in | Posted on Sunday, September 21, 2008

Right when I saw this sign more than 2 weeks ago, I knew I had to be there with the people I love the most. Since I work Saturdays, I had to look for a good-hearted person who was willing to switch rest days with me so I could attend the event. Took me a week to find one and another several hours to convince my coworker, Glenn. I would like thank you from the bottom of my heart. You have no idea how much this day means to me.

The big day

My coworkers munching on cake from Bo's before the event. I swear the plastic thinngy looks like one of those sticky mouse traps.

Registration crew. Free shirts for the volunteers. I volunteered and got a free shirt. Never did work. LAWLZ

Pano (click to see bigger image)

Huge inflatable


Some of the games

Wall climbing


Drums please! (click to play video)

Hello there

The Magic Man Lou Hilario

The crowd

Pano (click to see bigger image)

A pair of talented winged creatures

MYX dancers

Ain't no Pulp Fiction here

Look up! (click to play video)

One of the coolest local bands (click to play video)

Parkoya ni Edgar!!!

Vinci on the MIC

We care. A LOT

Snuffy and Fluffy

HOLD TIGHT. For nothing lasts forever.

Even the blur effect couldn't hide my happiness.


Notes: I was glad it didn't rain because the forecast for Saturday was thunderstorms (it rained the whole week). Each party was given a card (similar to a bingo card) with the events listed on it. We participated in most of the events and begged for the last stamp so we could get the large prize. We ended up going for 2 medium-sized prizes since the big bear looked weird. We also got food stamps (max of 3 per party). Free hotdog sandwich, ice cream, cotton candy and drinks! Congratulations to Ralph for winning an MP3 player during the raffle. Games only cost 5 pesos and proceeds went to Jesus Loves the Little Children.

Comments (2)

Good stuff man, I'm happy for you. I kno how much that means, believe me.

Good for you, man! I bet you were bumping Ice Cube's "Today Was A Good Day.."