Seattle transplant, sneaker enthusiast, raised on SL1200s, huge graffiti head in the 90's and photo blogs with a Fujifilm as therapy.
Also your favorite #NT Mod. :)

Welcome to my world.



| Posted in | Posted on Tuesday, June 02, 2009

I've been itching to go to a Nike outlet for weeks to look for a pair of sneakers for my eldest son. It's so hard to find his size since most shops only carry size 8 and up. I know my man CarlofromdaPI has the same problem. Nike needs to start selling 7Y or size 7 and 7.5. Carrying two more sizes shouldn't be a problem. How difficult it is to understand that before your feet grows to a size 8 you'll have to go through sizes 7 and 7.5. Less sizes. Less sales.

It was crazy that I even thought of driving to Marikina from Cubao after work during rush hour with heavy rain pouring. Thank God traffic was light and it took me only around 30 minutes to reach my destination.

My third time to visit this place. 1st time since 2006.

People at this outlet are the best. They were very helpful. The dude on the left recognized me. He said. "Sir, aren't you kingcrux? I read your blog." I just nodded and smiled. I asked for their names and he wrote them on a little piece of paper but I think my maid threw it away when she cleaned my desk. I apologize for forgetting. I really am bad with names. I know you're reading this now. Thanks for everything and please update me when you get new stuff. Oh, and they support Ms. Clavel too. Look!

I was worried I would get stuck in heavy traffic so I got some cheap food before leaving. The grilled steak flavored hotdog was yummy. The buko pandan Slurpee was thirst quenching. The two together? Gross.

Size 7. Mission accomplished.


For sizes and prices, please call:

Nike Outlet Marikina
(02) 475-1269

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