Seattle transplant, sneaker enthusiast, raised on SL1200s, huge graffiti head in the 90's and photo blogs with a Fujifilm as therapy.
Also your favorite #NT Mod. :)

Welcome to my world.



| Posted in , | Posted on Friday, November 26, 2010

Is where we took it.

Is where I took it.

Is where Nike took it.

Is where Ogilvy took it.

Is where Lebron fans/sneakerheads took it.

Is where TGI Friday's took it.

Is where the DJs took it.

Is where #NT took it.

Lebron VIII South Beach Edition Release Party, Nike x Titan style!

Nice touch on the barber's pole


The line was at least 150 deep. Great turnout for 35 pairs of shoes.

Free food and drinks while waiting for the raffle to start. (click to play)

Ballot boxes

What up Lev!

Diego (Sandwich)

What they wore on their feet

Glenn and Jamie

Miles, Hannah and Miki (Ogilvy)


Unlimited Mojito

Martin (solemovement)



The Billions

Nice Rifts Miles!

Here we go! * CROSSES FINGERS * (click to play)

Dennis with the ballots

Anxious crowd is anxious

Snap it back

Raoul (Titan)

One word. CLUTCH.

Surprise of the night. Great seeing you again man!

Golden couple

What up Jason!

Happy Josh

Very happy RJ

Titan crew with the matching tee

Last of the lucky winners

More shoes!

Get a daily dose of Marc HERE.


Marc's brother happy with his pair

Sizes 12-14

So nice I forget how much I despise Lebron for moving to Miami.

My name wasn't picked * SAD BEAR * but I still ended up with a pair. If you don't know, NOW YOU KNOW, #NT FTMFW! * ROBOBOOGIES *

For more photos, visit the following sites:
Isabel Gatuslao (I look cross-eyed here, ha ha)
Your Daily Dose of Marc
and Sole Movement

Congratulations to Nike Philippines and Titan for another successful drop!

It's been a pleasure to bring my talents to your Interwebz.


Comments (6)

Will Titan be getting Doernbecher 3s?

I only won a pair, I held on to another winners bag just for the photo.

haters be hatin :))

@Rj you're too defensive man, kingcrux31 is right! who cares???

Heck i went home with 3 legit pairs of the same sizes!!!

Now what???

@ TK Just not used to it. :)) well im happy with what i got..

Thats fine Rj, well just dont mind them. You know better. Well indeed you are, it shows!!!

p.s. thanks for hooking me up with a new friend Lindsey! Lucky girl which brought me all the luck i needed! Haha!