| Posted in | Posted on Thursday, December 30, 2010
2010 was rough!
The first 3 quarters were :(
Then I turned 32 :)
Here's a little recap of what happened the past year.
I present to you... THE TOP THIRTY ONE ENTRIES OF 2010! (click on the links to view the original entries)
1. My kids visit!
2. New blog layout!
3. Amber Lamps. Call 'em!
4. The City on my mind!
6. Tamron death!
8. Meet The Herreras!
9. Mother's Day!
10. Count my vote!
11. New rack!
12. #NT helps!
13. Wong to The X!
14. Justin Bieber fever!
15. One last time Arcee!
16. Tap Tap Pull! My way of saying hi to my kids. (as I always enjoyed tying their shoelaces)
(click to play)
(click to play)
(click to play)
18. Enter Vans!
19. I jump! You jump!
20. wL turns two!
21. Cuts and kicks!
22. Thirty two!
23. Record-breaking!
25. Manny talks!
27. Album of the year!
28. wL x Ronac! (click to play)
2011, please be kinder to me?
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