Seattle transplant, sneaker enthusiast, raised on SL1200s, huge graffiti head in the 90's and photo blogs with a Fujifilm as therapy.
Also your favorite #NT Mod. :)

Welcome to my world.



| Posted in | Posted on Thursday, October 06, 2011

Before I disappeared a few weeks ago I posted THIS on facebook. (Yes, I'm back. No, I didn't die. Dead people can't type.)

If you've been buying Air Jordans EARLY from Promo Shoes, Air Randy, Marquee Sole, SDS, VMV, other similar online stores or local resellers and you think you're the shit, well, think again. You've been had. Yup, YOU'VE BEEN HAD. I know this is gonna piss a lot of people off even my friends but the truth is none of these sites sell LEGITIMATE stuff EARLY.

It's either they're selling stolen goods, surplus, or high quality fakes. DEFINITELY NOT THE OFFICIAL MERCHANDISE.

If you love to read then click on THIS LINK and check out what I posted several years ago. It's gonna change your mind on future purchases. Fellow NT'er and ex-Nike employee Rock Deep also shed some light on the said sites. Make sure you comb through the entire thread to get a clear picture on why you should never buy sneakers months ahead of the release date...

Unless you get them directly from Nike :)

With the black/cement Jordan III and concord Jordan XI crazes upon us I say have faith, wait for the actual release date and support your local retailers. You're gonna have to camp out for them but isn't that what makes sneaker collecting more enjoyable? The whole experience of putting in work just to get your most coveted pair is way better than paying above retail for a dubious pair and ending up reading stuff like this online. (It burns, doesn't it?)

Sometimes a little patience goes a long way.


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