Seattle transplant, sneaker enthusiast, raised on SL1200s, huge graffiti head in the 90's and photo blogs with a Fujifilm as therapy.
Also your favorite #NT Mod. :)

Welcome to my world.



| Posted in | Posted on Wednesday, January 04, 2012

The last time I was in we Legendary Ronac Mark told a story of a kid who came in the store the night before and exhibited something that most kids, even many adults, do not have... good taste in sneakers. When asked how he knew all these things he said, "Oh, I visit" Later that day I met him, his younger brother and the dad.

Ladies and gentlemen, meet Blake. Nice hat, kid.

Blake with his brother Brando and their father. (who also reps The Bay)

Great meeting you Blake. Have a great 2012, little buddy!

Follow him HERE.

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