| Posted in | Posted on Wednesday, July 17, 2013
After a 7-week vacation in the Philippines, Sarah's baby sister Amanda will be flying back to the beautiful city of San Francisco. What better way to send her off than a BBQ! It was also an advance birthday party for her as she turns 20 on the 21st. Happy birthday, Amanda! I hope you had a blast here. Have a safe flight and say hi to my city for me!
Grilled liempo and burgers. Mmmmm....
My birthday gift for her, lol. Plus a dozen bottles of Tsing Tao!
I thought of bringing a pack as soon as she told me she was gonna serve burgers.
From West 2 East. Amanda, Yvette, Joey Too Fresh and Sarah.
Four cheese please!
I sank my first two attempts and made an incredible rainbow shot... then Joey Too Fresh took over and beat my team.
18 years so smooth.
6.5 liters of this ALL GONE.
This too was gone before the party was over.
This reminded me of 2 quack DJs during the Red Bull Tagged event. #SMH
Word to Rick Ross, lol.
Kick game proper.
My IIIs are dying.
Cake cake cake cake cake! (Thanks, Joey and Yvette!)
These two plus their mom = hilarity. I am now an adopted Balagot.
Fast food Pho to sober up.
Red eyes realize real lies.
Like a bawse.
Tastes like ass but it does the trick!
And that was that.
I'll see you on the west side!
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