Seattle transplant, sneaker enthusiast, raised on SL1200s, huge graffiti head in the 90's and photo blogs with a Fujifilm as therapy.
Also your favorite #NT Mod. :)

Welcome to my world.



| Posted in | Posted on Sunday, November 17, 2013

A message from homegirl Erica...

Hi All!

This might be a bit long but I hope you can read through until the end

In the months following Ondoy in 2009, I started a "shoebox gift" drive for the Holidays, so that the survivors of the typhoon could receive more essentials PLUS something special for Christmas. The whole concept is to fit some essential items into a shoebox (I'm sure we all have a lot!) and add a special present in the form of a book, coloring book and crayons, a new shirt, face wash or whatever else would seem like a "treat" amidst all the relief items.

My partner in crime in The Powder Room, Margaux and I would like to do this again this year, to bring some Christmas cheer to survivors of Yolanda. It will be a month long collection so there's plenty of time to make your boxes and spread the word and if possible, please fill with the following:

face towel, tooth brush/toothpaste, flipflops, soap, canned good, candle, matches, a bottle of water and one "special item"
If possible, please personalize your box with a ribbon, gift wrapper and a handwritten note. Please also specify if it's for a child or a man or woman.

If you can pledge at least one box, that would be amazing, but if you can do more, even better! We'd like to encourage you to spread the word to your friends and family and even workmates. If you work for a company, maybe you can talk to HR and ask them to ask each employee to create just one box. This is a great way to get your kids involved too!

We'll be coming out with a flyer/poster for online use as well as a page on FB very soon, but if you can already tell people to tell people, then we can get this party started!

There will be 4 drop off points (Katipunan, Pioneer, Makati and Sucat) Details to follow later on this week

Thanks everyone! Hope you can help us out! If you need suggestions of what to put in the box as a special item don't hesitate to ask! Friends abroad, Im adding you here in case you have any way to send some!


 photo SHOEBOXLOVE-01_zps2d6638e3.png

And this.
 photo SunDazedShoeBox_zps583003ab.jpg

See you all on Sunday!

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